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Buyer's Guide

EPF Withdrawal Procedure


You must be a member of EPF.


Your entitlement would be 30% of balance available in Purchaser’s EPF account II or the difference between the purchase price and loan amount (whichever is lower).


  1. Submission of EPF withdrawal form together with the original copy of the Sale and Purchase Agreement.
  2. Photocopy of your IC.
  3. A copy of the letter of loan approval from your end-financier.

Note : The above mentioned format might be changed by the government housing loan unit. The loan processing is handled by Bahagian Pinjaman Perumahan, Perbendaharaan Malaysia.

Mode of Payment

The payment will be released directly to the member within a period of three to four weeks from date of submission. For more information, please refer to EPF website at www.kwsp.gov.my.